Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What to Do When You’re Dissatisfied : Part III – Voice and Loyalty

What should you do when you’re unhappy with a situation? You have three options. In previous posts I’ve talked about reframing your attitude so you’re no longer unhappy, and about exiting the situation. Your third option is to try to change the situation by voicing your concerns.

This option comes into play when the problem is bad enough that you can’t change your attitude towards it, but the overall situation is good enough that it’s worth trying to improve it. Also, you need to believe there’s a realistic chance the situation can be changed.

By staying and trying to make things better, you are being loyal to the organization. Too often people who object to the status quo are perceived as being disloyal, when in fact the opposite is true. The most loyal employees are the ones who don’t exit, and who try to make things better by giving voice to the issues.

How to make change happen is a huge topic and way beyond the scope of this post, but if you want to get started a good place to begin is the About.com article, “Disagree Without Being Disagreeable.”

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